Mein Schiff 3

All information about Mein Schiff 3. 2024, 2025 and 2026 itinerary of this ships. Technical data, rating and reviews of tourists. The actual location of the vessel.

Mein Schiff 3
Mein Schiff 3 | ©

Specifications of Mein Schiff 3

Year built2014 / Age: 10
Flag state Malta
OwnerTUI AG and RCCL (Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd)
OperatorTUI Cruises GmbH
BuilderMeyer Werft (Turku, Finland)
Building costEUR 500 million (USD 620 million)
Christened byHelene Fischer
Sisters ships Mein Schiff 4, Mein Schiff 5, Mein Schiff 6
Speed22 kn / 41 km/h / 25 mph
Length961 ft / 293 m
Width115 ft / 35 m
Gross Tonnage99430 gt
Passengers2506 - 2700

Current Position

Mein Schiff 3
Mein Schiff 3 | ©

Mein Schiff 3 Itinerary

Mein Schiff 3
Mein Schiff 3 | ©

Mein Schiff 3 Cruises

Mein Schiff 3 Rating

Full information about the rating of all cruise ships is available on the page: Ships Rating.

Overall Rating3.52 (#97 of 270)
Passenger Rating5.13 (#100 of 270)
Age Rating6.00
Passengers-to-space ratio Rating3.38 (#76 of 270)
Crew-to-passenger Rating2.13 (#92 of 270)
Cruise Attractiveness Rating2.00 (#200 of 270)

Mein Schiff 3 in the News

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